Sermon Series
  • 1. As Children Of Light

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    We are called to walk as children of Light. The Apostle Paul offers us help. He offers us a Caution, Reminds us of the change, and then exposes to us the clarity of walking as COL.

    In the Sermon On the Mount, Jesus said, "there are 2 roads, paths, gates.." Later in Matthew 25 He said, "there were sheep & goats." In the OT, Joshua said, "choose you today whom you will serve." At MT Carmel (1 Kings 18:20) Elijah asked, "How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If more

  • 2. A Happy Home And A Cooking Church

    Contributed on Mar 28, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    To have a "Happy Home" and a Church which cooks...requires us to do it God’s way.

    * Years ago my dad taught me a lesson which I remember till today. As usual, I had to learn it the hard way. As I recall, he sent me into the yard to remove a rose bush. Instead of doing what he said and “digging it up”, I cut it off just below the ground and roughed up the dirt like I had dug more

  • 3. Instructions For Relationships

    Contributed on Apr 4, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    The relationships of Child-Father and Employee-Employers is set forth by Paul to assist the believer in enjoying a good life and testimony

    There was an interesting story some time ago in an issue of Focus on the Family magazine about a man who bought one of those cars that had replaced warning lights with spoken instructions in a female voice. In a soft voice, his "little woman"—as he called her—would say, "Your door isn’t closed more

  • 4. How To Stand

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    To stand against the forces of evil, we must both "get real" and "get ready".

    * To read the writings of Paul is to be reminded of several things. We are reminded that the believer lives differently than the non-believer. We are reminded that the believer, has a specific way to develop and grown. Our beliefs should impact our lives, families, work, play, and more