Sermon Series
  • 1. The Promise Ignored

    Contributed on Aug 19, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    God made a promise to Abraham. It was a promise of His grace and blessing. The Galatians ignored the promise and fell under the burden of sin. Sometimes you and I do the same.

    Introduction: Friday at quitting time, Jim said, ‘Boss, have you got any extra work I can do tonight?’ Sure do but I can’t pay you overtime. That’s okay, I just don’t want to go home. Why not? Well, I’ve been in the doghouse since last night. I see...Why? What did you do to deserve more

  • 2. The Promise Revealed

    Contributed on Aug 19, 2002
    based on 65 ratings

    God made a promise to Abraham. It was a promise of His grace and blessing. Paul reminds the Galatians of this promise. He reveals it to you and me in hopes we will receive it.

    Introduction: In my sermon last week the Galatians proved something. They proved that even though God through His Son, Jesus Christ had made them heirs to that promise He had made to Abraham many years before, they had still followed an unseemly path and had rejected that promise by turning away more

  • 3. The Promise Renewed

    Contributed on Aug 19, 2002
    based on 21 ratings

    God made a promise to Abraham. It was a promise of His grace and blessing. Each one of us are given the opportunity to turn from the ways of the world to a life of grace and blessing.

    Introduction: When I was a young boy growing up I used to play games. I would join my cousins in the evening and we would play for what seemed like hours, pretending to be someone or something that we were not. It is said that the Hypocrite professes to be what he does not practice, while the more