Sermon Series
  • 1. God's Idea Of Community

    Contributed on Nov 26, 2005
    based on 1 rating

    Acts 2 - Early Christian Community

    Recap a few ideas: Acts is written for a person named Theophilus - what does that mean? What did Jesus tell His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for? The Holy Spirit is going to make us WITNESSES Where will we witness - first at home (Jerusalem - Home) Then nearby (Judea - Lake County) more

  • 2. Heart Problems

    Contributed on Nov 26, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Acts 2 - Early Christian Community

    12-year-old girls were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on in the bathroom. then they would press their lips to the mirror leaving dozens of little lip prints. Every night the maintenance man would remove them and the next day the girls would put them back. Several memos were posted about more

  • 3. Problem Solving In The Church

    Contributed on Nov 26, 2005
    based on 1 rating

    how did the church manage conflict

    No plans for Valentine’s Day? No problem! Stay home and watch television. Besides, you can learn a lot about love from the shows you watch. Here are some of top TV love quotes: Law & Order’s Detective Lennie Briscoe "Love -- a dangerous disease instantly cured by marriage." "All human beings more

  • 4. Heaven's Just A Stone's Throw Away

    Contributed on Nov 26, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    The story of the first Christian martyr

    The story of the first Christian martyr The kingdom of Heaven is at Hand - it is always a stone’s throw away Life is short - to live like Stephen you must: Decide before you go through tough times how you will act and what you will say AC 6:8 Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and more

  • 5. How Can I Follow Christ

    Contributed on Nov 26, 2005
    based on 3 ratings

    God uses Philip to reach into new territory

    New testament evangelists were not the sAC 8:26 Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Go south to the road-- the desert road --that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza." 27 So he started out, and on his way he met an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of all the treasury of more

  • 6. Extend Blessing

    Contributed on Nov 26, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    Bringing the gospel outside our comfort zones

    Ethnocentricity - my nationality is superior to yours (A) Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans. (B) The French eat a lot of fat and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans. (C) Japanese drink very little red wine and more

  • 7. Priorities

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Acts 1 - Jesus tells us the priority of sharing the gospel

    1. I will eat more chocolate. Sorry, Dr. Atkins, It’s un-American to go on a diet that forbids M&M’s. 2. I will see more children’s movies, even though I don’t have kids at home anymore. Kids films rock! 3. I will not vote for another President for four years or refer to states by color. 4. I more