Rob Parsons, the founder of "Care for the Family," asks the question, "What is the most important gift a father can give to his child?" He always gives the same answer: it is his unconditional love and acceptance. The key to a child’s heart is to let him or her know that we love them anyway whatever may have or will happen. There is no more powerful force on the face of the earth for building strong relationships than unconditional love.

Rob Parsons tells the story of his daughter Katie coming home from school. She came running in yelling, "Dad, I got 95 per cent in maths!" Rob had two questions for that little girl: "What happened to the five per cent?" and "Where were you in the class order?" He confesses: "I’m not proud of that conversation."

Of course, every parent should do their utmost to motivate their child and help them achieve their best. He realized that Katie needed to know that his love for her was not based on her accomplishments, but on their relationship. He was her father. In other words, love without strings.

Rob Parsons says: "Your nine-year-old son will not cherish the memory of the television you bought for his bedroom. But he’ll never forget the night that you and he slept in the garden in an old tent somebody lent you. He’ll remember the sense of excitement as you both ate too many sweets, and how he felt when the battery in the torch failed and it was darker than he had ever known. And when he is old, he’ll still remember it."