I heard about a football game being played on the home field. The home team was being smeared by the visiting squad. Someone on the sidelines kept yelling, "Give the ball to Calhoun Give the ball to Calhoun’’ They tried another play, and again the home team was smashed to the ground, losing valuable yardage. Again came the cry, "Give the ball to Calhoun’’ After this happened two or three times more, the familiar cry rang out again, "Give the ball to Calhoun’’ Then a tall man raised up from the pile of human bodies on the field after the next play and responded, "Calhoun don’t want the ball’’ I am afraid this is true of many Christians today. They do not want to carry the ball of evangelism. They need to hear the cry of the crowd in heaven cheering them on…that great cloud of witnesses in the grandstands of glory urging us to run the race before we leave this earth. They need to hear the voice of the coach as He calls the plays…the coach is Jesus Christ—can you hear him: