ILLUSTRATION... Two Gods? (personal story)

"One a recent trip, I called home to talk to the kids and let them know that I would be home soon. I called at a time when our two boys were asleep and only our four-year old daughter was awake. We chatted for awhile. She began to ask me questions about my week. ‘Have you learned anything?’ I explained that I had. She then asked a strange question, ‘Is God there with you?’ I affirmed that He was. "God is here with me, too?’ she half stated and half questioned. She knows that God is always with her and protecting her. She heard her dad say that God was with him. She knows there is only one God. She wasn’t exactly understanding. I explained that God can be everywhere at once. He can be with her and me and all the other members of our family all at once. That is part of God’s nature."