The Progress of Knowledge -- The mental sign is seen first in the progress of knowledge. Man’s knowledge doubles in less than 6 years. By the time many medical students graduate, much of their earlier training is already obsolete. Printed material doubles in less than 15 years. Technology, for example, has developed the laser beam, a concentration of energy in a pinpoint of light. It is now used in various forms of surgeries, sometime requiring no incisions at all.

Computers now exist that can assimilate all 850,000 words of the Bible five times over in one second. Computer chips, no larger than the fingernail of a little finger, can store millions of items of information. There is a calculator that can make over 1 million calculations in one second. And who would have thought in the late 1970s that we could send a spaceship 35 million miles away to Mars that would be controlled in Houston? This is the technological sophistication of the era in which we live. In Daniel 12:4, the prophet announced that in the last days travel and knowledge would increase.