Armin Gesswein learned about praying God’s promises in a hayloft. Armin was a longtime Pastor, interdenominational prayer organizer and founder of the "Revival Prayer fellowship." When he began as a young Lutheran pastor trying to establish a church on Long Island and having a tough go of it, he had an elderly gentleman in his church fellowship--a retired blacksmith, 50 years his senior. Armin had noticed that when this man prayed, things happened. Wanting to learn, Armin asked if he could join him in prayer.

At the old blacksmiths home he followed him into the barn and into the hayloft. Armin prayed and then Ambrose Whaley prayed. Armin said "You have some kind of secret in praying. Would you share it with me?" Young man," the old blacksmith said, "learn to plead the promises of God." The old man had knelt between two bales of hay. Open on each was a large Bible, as he prayed he layed a knarled hand on the pages of each, and recalled the promises found in those pages.

Armin recalled: I learned more about prayer in that haymow than in all my years of preparation for the ministry.

SOURCE: (Harold J. Sala, "Heroes: People who made a difference in our World")