Sermon Illustrations

His name is Mark. He is a 50 year old man divorced and addicted to alcohol. I met him across some glass and was only able to talk to him through this heavy black phone. Mark was in Jail. With tears in his eyes he spoke of his fear. He has one chance to do right and doesn’t want to mess up. In a few short days he gets out of jail with no where to live, no money and no job. I ask Mark what got him in this mess. He shared of his divorce caused by alcohol and how for 15 years he allowed his demons to control his life. By the way Mark seemed like a gentle dad... grey haired and soft spoken... not the type you think about when you think about a jail bird. He got in a fight with a family member after being clean for a whole year and went out to drowned his sorrows again like a thousand other times. This time was different however because when he woke up from his drunken rampage he found himself charged with robbery facing 10 years in prison. Mark is frightened and so he should be... because apart from God we are left alone to fight our demons and alone they always win. Until he realizes his desperate need for God he is doomed to be crushed by this dark world... He will find himself in places that were never a part of his child hood dreams and hopes for his life.