
Summary: Today we will begin our examination of the 7 churches of Revelation, and each of these churches has a very specific letter given to it. Although sometimes subtle, there is a very common theme to each letter: a church that allows the world to influence it is NOT being faithful to Jesus Christ.

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Alpha and Omega, Part 26, Revelation Part 3

The 7 Churches of Revelation (Part 1)

Revelation 2:1-29


- Today we will begin our examination of the 7 churches of Revelation

-- Each of these churches has a very specific letter given to it

-- Although sometimes subtle, there is a very common theme to each letter:

-- A church that allows the world to influence it is NOT being faithful to Christ

- Read Revelation 2:1-29 / Pray

- Let’s set-up a little background and understanding for Ch. 2 and 3

-- Back of notes is a small summary of each church for this week and next

- We know there were more than 7 churches during this time

-- So, why were these letters sent to only these 7? And only this area?

-- Prob ~40,000 believers … Imagine if Jesus had John send +1,000 letters?

- These letters could be representative of ALL churches of the time

-- Which could mean these could be representative of the churches today!

-- The characteristics of the churches reveal the same challenges we see now

- CHALL: What if each church took an honest inventory of their environment?

-- Could we not discover areas for improvement, commendation, or rebuke?

-- I would offer a thought that we could – and we should – look at our church

-- Why? Because God’s word is alive – and it ought to be our measuring stick

-- Here is caution: Before you judge another church must look at your own

- Each letter is written to the messenger, or angel, or leader of the church

-- This is an important note: It tells us who it comes from and who it’s for

-- And each letter is specifically dictated by Jesus Christ for the church body

-- But sending to the leader does not mean that it’s only he who must change

- As the leader, a messenger/angel is responsible for the flock in his care

-- RE: In Ch 1 we saw the angel of each church in the palm of Jesus’ hand

-- Which means he has the respons. to share the message without apology

-- This leads to those in the churches changing because they follow the truth

Point 1 – The Church of Ephesus (v1-7)

Name means: Desirable or Lovely


• The church worked and labored for Christ, and they patiently endured (v2)

• The church tested all preachers & teachers and rejected the false ones

• Hated the deeds of the Nicolaitans (v6) – disapproved of things of the world

• Why? Everything they did was for Him, and His glory – He was priority

Complaint: (v4)

• The church had lost its first love (basically, they’re guilty of backsliding)

• They lost their love for Jesus – that is, the love that they had for Him

• They had also lost their love for people – RE: John 15:12, “This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.”

Counsel: (v5)

- When Jesus counsels the church – the calling is that they return to Him

-- EX: When a believer strays from Jesus, He is called to come back – to return

• Remember where you have fallen

• Repent, turn away from what has pulled you away

• Do the things you were told to do

-- Matthew 3:2, “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.”

- Warning (v5): Jesus will remove the lampstand from its place

-- This means the church will be removed from being a “true church”

-- CH: Can a church really be doing the things of God without love for Jesus?

- This is a terrible judgment, and one we should take to heart as a warning

-- Doctrinal purity is not enough – go deeper: good preaching is not enough

-- APP: We must do the things we are called to do else we are risking it all!

-- This church lacked the main thing: their love for Christ and for people

Promised Reward: (v7)

• If they will do the things they are commanded, they will have victory

• They will eat from the tree of life and be blessed as citizens of Heaven

• HOW? Get rid of whatever it is that leads you AWAY from Jesus

Point 2 – The Church of Smyrna (v8-11)

- We see Jesus telling the church that he was dead and is alive again (v8)

-- Greek: ginomai; means to coming into being (came to life again)

Name means: Sweet fragrance (for example: Myrrh – sweet licorice)

Commendation: (v9)

• The church held up under terrible tribulation (GR: thlipsis - most severe)

• The church functioned under extreme poverty (without material things)

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