
Summary: I want to present 4 resolutions, 4 commitments that God, in His Word, encourages us to make – 4 commitments which can make a radical difference in your life if you will just follow through on them. (FREE PowerPoints Available - #430)


(This message is my adaptation of a fine sermon, “New Year”

by Randy Barker, which he contributed to Sermon Central.)


TEXT: Philippians 3:14; Colossians 3:13; Romans 6:12, 12:18

Well, it’s that time of year again when in a spurt of optimism many people make promises, (some call them resolutions) about what they are going to do, or not do, during the New Year. But sadly, many of those resolutions are often discarded or forgotten by the end of January.

Looking back at this past year, I wonder how many of us made promises to ourselves that we were going to do this or that during 2021? For example, resolutions about our diet, or how much exercising we were going to do?

By the way, you may have noticed that I used the pronouns “us” & “we” - because I’m just as guilty in some ways as maybe some of you.

Well this year I’m determined it’s going to be different. I’ve decided to adopt the resolution proposed by Randy Barker in his sermon to eat more & exercise less. That’s a resolution I should have no difficulty in keeping.

Now I hope you realize that I’m joking about that resolution – or at least I think I am. But seriously, this morning I want to present 4 resolutions, 4 commitments that God, in His Word, encourages us to make – 4 commitments which can make a radical difference in your life if you will just follow through on them.

And if you do, 2022 could become one of the best years of your life. So I’m challenging you to make 4 commitments for this New Year.


The first one is to Commit to Forget Your Failures.

The Apostle Paul says in Philippians 3:14, “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

That example from God’s Word has stood the test of time. I don’t know of any more relevant & practical advice for us at the start of 2022. Remember: We don't have to live our lives imprisoned by our failures.

All of us have failed in some way during this past year. Our failures haven’t been broadcast on radio or TV, but they are recorded in our hearts & minds resulting in painful memories of wrong decisions & failed relationships.

Those of us who are parents may realize that there have been times when we failed our children. And your children may be aware of having failed you. Even more likely, most of us realize that we have failed ourselves. And all of us should know that in some way we have failed God.

What God’s Word is saying here is that we must not allow ourselves to be bogged down by our failures. That we must not dwell on our past so much that it stops us from moving forward into the future that God has for us.

I think the start of the New Year is a good time for us to rise to that challenge - to say to ourselves “I am going to, with the help of God, stop torturing myself about what I did or didn’t do.”

God is doesn’t want you to go through life branding yourself as a failure. Jesus died on the cruel cross of Calvary so that we could be forgiven. When we become Christians that forgiveness becomes a reality in our lives.

When we receive Christ’s forgiveness it allows us to forgive ourselves & forget our failures. Maybe you need to do that right here this morning. Maybe you need to accept Jesus’ forgiveness & then forgive yourself, too.


The 2nd commitment for 2022 is to Commit to Give Up Your Grudges. Listen to Colossians 3:13 because you’ll hear the 2nd challenge I believe God wants us to rise up to - if you want to make 2022 a significant turning point in your life.

A. Colossians 3:13 says, “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgives you.”

God is challenging us directly & personally to give up our grudges. That is what he means when he says forgive each other whatever grievances you may have against one another.

A grudge is a deep ongoing resentment that we cultivate in our hearts against someone else. A grudge is an unforgiving spirit that leads to unforgiving attitudes & unforgiving actions. Harboring a grudge is about nursing a dislike for someone else.

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