
Summary: Only cowards sidestep and evade responsibility, give 1000 excuses but the challenge is to accept responsibility and complete it.

Passing the buck

Matthew 27:24 When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that instead an uproar was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. “I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “It is your responsibility!”

When the uproar was high and eerie, Pilate the governor who was supposed to take responsibility and deal with the situation took water and washed his hands off in front of the crowd and you know what he said: ‘it is your responsibility!’ Most reckless, imprudent and rash words from a Leader of Pilate calibre. Remember, he was sitting on the judgement seat; yet, he washed his hands off. Not many would like to rake their brains and do some thinking….they want easy way out.

Don’t we see this ‘passing the buck’ in our society right from the parliament to the streets? If the party fails in the election, they shamelessly blame the EVMs (Electronic voting machine) rather than analyse their work, the bridge collapses, they point the finger at the contractors who did the job, if the business collapses, they are ready to shift the blame – not many would say” I take responsibility!’ Only cowards sidestep and evade responsibility, give 1000 excuses but the challenge is to accept responsibility and complete it.

Being in the leadership position both in the church activities as well as educational institution (Abide School, run for the poor children) I am able to have an aerial view of the kind of Christians that exist today. Passing the buck starts from school when the student blames the teacher for her poor marks and slowly this escalates. Christians think that their job is over with giving tithing and offering but when they have to invest their time in sharing the Gospel with a lost soul they quietly pass the buck to the pastor, if there is a need in the church after Sunday service, not a crow will stay back to help, they scoot away from church.

When our children turn rebellious, the entire onus comes on the parents, we cannot wash our hands off like Pilate, because God has given us the duty to tell them the Word when they sit, stand and walk (check Deuteronomy 6:7 “Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.”)

When your finances go downhill, blame your mismanagement of funds, your heedless and rash purchase of unwanted goods, anybody listening to me? Don’t blame the devil for your problems and duck responsibility but think and evaluate the situation. God bless you!

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