Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: While Jesus was hanging on the cross there were two other people with him. This looks at the three people on the cross and what it means to us

Luke 23:32-43

Focus on Jesus being nailed to the cross


A. You know what has been interesting to me in this whole war with Iraq?

B. The different reactions of the people in Iraq

C. As a country they are confused

D. They don’t like Sadaam, they don’t like us bombing them, and they don’t want to give up their freedom

E. You have people on all sides of the coin.

F. When I think about that I am reminded of Our Scripture Passage Today

G. Let us read it.


I. You see we have three different crosses at one time

J. WE have the one on the left

K. The one on the right

L. And the one and the middle

M. We are going to examine these three crosses today and see what lesson we can learn from them

I. The Cross on the Left

A. Explanation

1. WE do not have much knowledge of either of the two thieves mentioned in this passage

2. We do not know what there exact crime was.

3. We know that the crime was bad enough to warrant them to be put to death

4. Now this particular criminal felt compelled to join into the mocking of Jesus with everyone else in the Crowed

5. This criminal did not want to give up his own will and have someone else make his choices

6. He was bond and determine he was going to do it himself

7. He did not need nobody telling him how he is going to live his life

8. If it feels good do it. At the moment mocking felt good

9. So he did it

10. As long as he was popular, wealthy, or enjoyable that is what matter to him

B. Application

1. You know the Bible has some very interesting things to say about this type of person

2. John 8:24 tells us (Read John 8:24)

3. Does not get to much clear then that

4. Luke 13:3 tells us (read Luke 13:3)

5. Even Clearer huh?

6. Hebrews 9:27 tells us (Read Heb 9:27)

7. Should be crystal clear by now

8. That sinner who was one the cross lived out the very last moments of his life the way he lived all his life, for himself.

9. I am sure that he was probably able to come up with some pretty witty things to say that the other people on the ground would have found quite hilarious and that would make him feel accepted

10. By here is the reality folks, HE DIED

11. End of story.

C. Illustration

1. It is said when you think about the number of people who just try and fit in and still end up dead. Still never find that what they are looking for. Look at Chris Farley. Funny funny man. Obviously making good amount of money. He tried to do things by himself to be accepted and well liked. But ultimately look were it ended.

2. Unless we repent, we will parish

II. The Cross on the Right

A. Explanation

1. As we look to the right we see another criminal on the cross

2. Now this criminal was hurling insults just a little bit ago

a) Knowing that helps you to harmonize the account in Mark where it mentions nothing of the change of heart that the criminal had

3. And Change of heart he had indeed

4. You could say that he had an epiphany. Soundly everything began to make sense to him

5. He quickly realized that this Christ fellow was correct

6. He cam to understand that Jesus was the Son of God

7. Then this criminal who had never set foot in Church, did not know the 352 verse of just as I am

8. Repented from his sins and turn to God

9. His prayer recorded hear does not sound like the classic sinners prayer, you know what it works

10. Read 23:42

11. No formalize training no one leading him, he just said what he felt

B. Application

1. What can we gain from this mans example?

2. Folk’s forgiveness is possible!

3. Forgiveness is possible not matter what, this guy was a criminal

4. Forgiveness is possible anywhere, God will forgive you even in the place of skulls

5. Forgiveness is possible anytime; His son was on the Cross next to him, yet God forgave him.

6. He was in the middle of being killed yet God still forgave him

7. Forgiveness is available

8. Forgiveness is available to you

9. Forgiveness is available to you right now!

10. All you have to do is accept it

C. Illustration

1. I remember watching an old episode of Coach, a somewhat non-memorable sitcom. In this episode the one guy bought a sports car. He could barely afford it. He was so tight financially that he could not afford the gas or the insurance on it, so he left in his garage and took the bus

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