
Summary: 6 of 10. The apostle Peter informs those who are faithful in Christ, that they are amply supplied for godly living. God’s people are amply supplied for godly living thru their faith. But, ?What does Christian faith acquire for God’s people? A provision of God, acquired thru faith in Jesus, is...

ACQUIRED Thru FAITH-VI—2Peter 1:2b, 3b(:1-4)


Symbiotic relationships: Dinoflagellates

Science tells us that tiny microscopic one-celled plants that live in the oceans, produce at least half of the oxygen that humans & air-breathing animals need to breathe.

Dinoflagellates(‘whirling whip’) are microscopic, single-celled organisms that mostly live in the oceans. Some of them are photosynthetic, meaning that: in the presence of light, they produce organic compounds(their food) from carbon dioxide that is dissolved in the water. The process of photosynthesis, produces oxygen as a by-product.

•Certain species of microscopic Dinoflagellates can rapidly reproduce & accumulate, causing an ‘algal bloom’ known as a ‘red tide.’ So besides producing oxygen, thru photosynthesis, they may also produce toxins as other by-products of their existence. A ‘red tide’ can literally poison the fish that may swim within such effected waters.

•Some Dinoflagellates are bioluminescent emitting a blue-green light when disturbed. It’s very noticeable at night.

•I remember in my earlier days, while on ocean research cruises. The toilets on those vessels would use salt water gleaned directly from the ocean. And depending where we were & the water conditions, whenever we would flush a commode(in darkness), the water would turn an eerie blue-green from a high presence of dinoflagellates.

*Symbiosis—‘Involving interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association.’

*Some Sea Anemones & Corals literally have microscopic dinoflagellates living separately within their tissues...a relationship called symbiosis. These symbiotic dinoflagellates within the tentacles & bodies of the anemones & corals, help to produce additional ‘food’ for the anemone or coral. The anemone or coral in turn, produces ‘food’ & carbon dioxide, on which the dinoflagellate feeds & by which it photosynthesizes. When the dinoflagellates are removed from the anemone or coral &/or vice-versa, neither of them does well. However they thrive when each is fully given to the other.

Likewise, God’s people saved by faith, are in somewhat of a ‘symbiotic’ relationship with God. He lives within each believer thru His Holy Spirit. That relationship, produces all that His people need in order for them to THRIVE.

God’s people in turn, supernaturally & willingly produce the loving witness & work that God requires & needs in maintaining His witness on earth.

The FAITH of God’s people taps into the vast resources that are only available to them by God’s hand.

Personal SAVING faith, that is centered in Jesus Christ as Savior & Lord, gains/acquires everything that is essential for living empowered as God has always intended!


We live in a world that surrounds itself with & seeks to indoctrinate everyone with priorities that are born of the flesh, rather than the priorities born of God.

Thru what Christian faith acquires/gains for the believer, the Christian exerts a tremendous influence on the world, offering it the ONLY EFFECTIVE opposition to local & global ungodliness!

The apostle Peter informs those who are faithful to Jesus Christ, that they are completely/amply/fully supplied for godly living.

God’s people are completely/amply/fully supplied for godly living thru their faith in Jesus Christ.

•Your Christian faith truly completes you!

BUT, ?What are the things that saving faith in Christ attains/acquires for God’s people?

So far in this series, we have found that,

Some provisions acquired thru faith in Jesus Christ, are...

1. TRUSTWORTHY APOSTLES(:1a)[parts-1 & 2]




Today we’ll find that...

5—Another provision acquired thru your faith in Jesus Christ is...

KNOWLEDGE Of GOD(:2b, :3b)

Explanation:(:2b, :3b)God Is FOR you/us

:2b—“... In the knowledge of God & of Jesus our Lord,”

:3b—“...through the knowledge of Him who called us...”

*It is interesting to note that the “multiplication” of “grace & peace” sought by God for His people, can only occur WITHIN the confines or bounds of a proper “knowledge of God & of Jesus our Lord.”

•So, the major result of “the knowledge of God & of Jesus our Lord” is the “multiplication” of “grace & peace” in their lives.

The more intense & intimate a person’s “knowledge of God” is, & in particular, the “knowledge of God” thru “our Lord” “Jesus”,....THEN the greater & more empowering becomes the “grace & peace” experienced by the Christian!

*Now, look at verse :3...

“...through the knowledge of Him who called us...”

As with the “grace & peace” God wants you to have, thru “the knowledge of God & of Jesus our Lord”, so ALSO “all things that pertain to life & godliness” come to God’s people(“us”), by means of “the knowledge of Him who called us.”

A person can SUPPOSE that they “know” “God”, yet say so, all-the-while denying a ‘relationship’ with “Jesus”!

*Such “knowledge” is limited to “knowing” ABOUT “God”, but NOT “knowing” “God” personally!

*Godly “knowledge” is more than a mere superficial, historical knowledge of people & events.

•“Jesus” is the very One whom “God” sent to accomplish salvation for ALL who would eventually be His people.

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