Sermon Series
  • 1. Green With Envy, Ripe For Trouble

    Contributed on May 31, 2018

    The causes of envy: circumstances, insecurity, spiritual vacuum. Solutions to envy: Take responsibility, find security in Christ, embrace our purpose in God's plan.

    GREEN WITH ENVY, RIPE FOR TROUBLE—Genesis 37 A few years ago, a shampoo commercial on TV featured a beautiful woman, with long flowing hair, saying, “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.” Why would anyone hate a person who is beautiful, or charming, or successful, or popular, or rich, or more

  • 2. How To Win Over Temptation

    Contributed on May 31, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Practical insights from Joseph being tempted by Potiphar's wife: Eliminate self-pity, tell the truth to yourself, think about what you will gain or lose, make a commitment to win. Ultimately, the key is (3X) "The Lord was with Joseph."

    HOW TO WIN OVER TEMPTATION—Genesis 39 Temptation. It seems to pop up out of nowhere—although it comes from somewhere! It may be drugs—or ice cream. A party at school—or a pity party. A click on a computer, an alluring fantasy, or a sudden invitation. The feeling of something in a shopping more

  • 3. When Life Is On Hold

    Contributed on May 31, 2018

    Waiting is tough! What carries us? God cares, God can be trusted, and God is able to fulfill his plans for us. Joseph's 13 years of waiting for God's plan to unfold led to unbelievable blessing. Our time of waiting fits into God's plan.

    WHEN LIFE IS ON HOLD—Genesis 40-41 Joseph led a charmed life. It started with his birth: the favorite son Jacob, also known as Israel, the father of the nation of Israel. Jacob showed his favor by giving Joseph a “coat of many colors,” and God revealed his plans for Jacob by giving him more

  • 4. When God Messes With You

    Contributed on May 31, 2018

    Does God mess with us, to help us grow? Joseph did not immediately reveal his identity to his brothers, and they grew through their struggles. Sometimes God refines his people through trials and hard choices.

    WHEN GOD MESSES WITH YOU: Genesis 42-44 I never served in the military, so I never experienced boot camp. From what I hear, boot camp is stressful, by design. The physical and mental demands on new recruits are intended to force them to confront their weaknesses, build their character, and learn more

  • 5. Facing The Future With Confidence

    Contributed on May 31, 2018

    Keys to confidence: God has a plan for the future, God is not limited by time or place, God is faithful and all-powerful. As Jacob leaves Canaan for Egypt, God assures him that his covenant promises will continue there.

    Facing the Future with Confidence—Genesis 45:1-46:34 (I projected an old picture of church people, stiffly sitting in church pews, with suits and ties.) Do any of you remember those old times, or even some of those people? Suppose, by some quirk of time travel, a big screen would appear more

  • 6. Living In A Strange Land

    Contributed on May 31, 2018

    How do we stay true to our identity as God's people, in a culture that does not support godly values or faithfulness to Christ? Jacob faced that in Egypt. Don't be too easily...impressed...influenced...satisfied.

    Living in a Strange Land—Genesis 46:31—47:31 If you have kids, you know the feeling. Saying goodbye on the first day of kindergarten. Dropping them off at college, and then finally forcing yourself to leave the campus. Praying for them as they move into their first job, or their own home. more

  • 7. Shaping Your Legacy

    Contributed on May 31, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Jacob's blessing of his sons provides an opportunity for hearers to think about their legacy. A legacy is built by choices. Our legacy does not control us. In Christ, we create a new legacy.

    SHAPING YOUR LEGACY—Genesis 49 Have you thought about what kind of legacy you will leave for your descendants? I’m not talking about wealth or property, but about the impact we have on the lives of others. We have all inherited a legacy. (Note to preacher: Personalize this!) I am a cheap more

  • 8. Letting Go And Moving On

    Contributed on May 31, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The power to forgive past offenses and create a better future is powerfully demonstrated by Joseph. How did he do it? He says, "Am I in the place of God," and "God intended it for good."

    LETTING GO AND MOVING ON—Genesis 50:12-21 A few years ago, I was visiting the town where I grew up, and I ran into someone I had never met, who knew my sister. As we made the connection, she asked me, “Are you the brother who pulled her doll in half?” Well, I guess I was pulling on the legs of more