Sermon Series
  • 1. 01 Introduction To Acts

    Contributed on Jan 10, 2012

    Giving a brief background on Acts: It's Title, Author, & Content

    Introduction to Acts - What do you know about your family’s sp. history? - What is one way your family’s Sp. past has contributed to your Sp. present + Billy Graham going to a major crusade / a liberal in area didn’t want him to come / went to cmte. and said, we don’t more

  • 2. 02 Pursuing What Matters: The Church At Birth

    Contributed on Jan 17, 2012

    Features of the early church. 1. v. 3-4 - They Were In Fellowship With The Resurrected Jesus 2. v. 5 They Received The Promise Of The HS 3. v. 12-13 They Were Obedient To His Word 4. v. 14 They Were United In Spirit 5. v. 15-20 They Honored Th

    - What do the disciples think will happen when they receive the SP? – (v. 6) - What are some major ways their idea of the kingdom differs from Jesus? – (v.7-8) - HS brings newness of life - What are the features of the early church? 1. v. 3-4 - They Were In Fellowship more