Sermon Series
  • 1. Unhindered Forgiveness

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2024

    This message looks at the forgiveness God offers to us, its power to transform our life, and our responsibility to forgive others.

    Week 1: The Unhindered kingdom. Week 2 - Unhindered Forgiveness. Worldly forgiveness is often based on: How deep the hurt How worthy we see the other person Their relationship to us Their level of remorse One time or continual. A. God’s Unhindered Forgiveness is offered to everyone. more

  • 2. The Unhindered Kingdom

    Contributed on Apr 23, 2024

    This is the first message in the Unhindered Series. It will provide encouragement that as Christians we are part of Christ's kingdom. A kingdom that will not be hindered nor will it be defeated.

    Unhindered: Unhindered Kingdom Life has a way of making us feel very hindered in living a full life in Christ. Finances, healthcare, addiction, politics, violence, morality, time, faith, relationships/family…they all can be very hindering at times. What things are hindering you in your walk with more

  • 3. Unhindered Power

    Contributed on Apr 30, 2024

    This message will challenge the Christian to fully surrender to the Holy Spirit, relying on Him for power in our daily living.

    So far we have talked in this series about: Unhindered Power Unhindered Kingdom Unhindered Forgiveness Today we will talk about: Unhindered Power A. The Holy Spirit gives us unhindered power. We love power. (I had a power leaf blower on the platform.). Power tools are only powerful when they more