Sermon Series
  • 1. Living Water

    Contributed on Jan 30, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Many go through life spiritually dehydrated. Rituals, creeds and the like do not fill us. Only Jesus can give us this fulfillment when we learn to worship in Spirit and in Truth.

    Living Water John 4:4-26 Recently one of the major denominations met in Columbus to debate, of all things, whether or not Jesus Christ is the one true Savior of the world. Is he the universal Savior or might there be several? What about the other world religions and their claims? Some people more

  • 2. The Last Words Of Jesus

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Before His ascension, Jesus gave his disciples marching orders. These protocols are ours to follow.

    The last words of Jesus Matthew 28:18-20 Luke 24:46-49 Acts 1:8 Mark 16:15-18 We call these the Great Commission, it is our marching orders. In EMS we call these protocols. It is what we are to follow, no questions asked, just do it. Whenever we are in a situation, all we need to do is more