Sermon Series
  • 1. Power Of God To Save

    Contributed on Aug 13, 2020

    I am praying that our hearts would be sensitive and with compassion for the people around us who do not know Christ as Lord.

    Power of God to save Series- “Solutions” 1Timothy and 2 Timothy Text- 1 Timothy 1:12-20 Well Good morning – I am glad that you are here with us and believe that the Lord has a word for you today. I hope you come with expectation and are open for him to do something amazing.. Have you found more

  • 2. Fan Into Flame The Gift Of God

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2020

    The gift of God is the dwelling of the Holy Spirit of God in your life.

    Fan into flame the gift of God 2 Timothy 13-14 Introduction- Good morning to you. My prayer this week has been that we would come together desiring that God would speak to the things that keep you up at night. Those things that overwhelm you… those things that appear beyond your control…those more

  • 3. A Season Of Suffering

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2020

    We do not have to go far before we see that suffering will take place as a believer in Christ.

    Sermon Series Solutions A season of suffering #3 2 Timothy 2:1-13 Introduction- Good morning everyone, may the name of Jesus be lifted up and our hearts open as we let God’s Word speak to us. If you would turn to 2 Timothy chapter 2, that will be our text this morning. We have been in a more

  • 4. Living Godly In A Ungodly World

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2020

    living in this life for Christ is impossible without Christ dwelling and empowering you.

    Living Godly in an unholy world 2 Timothy 3:10-17 Good morning- Prayer- Father, this morning we desire to come to you with the hopes and promises of Jesus. We hope that you will be with us and guide us and lead us into worship and an intimate time of you speaking to our open hearts and minds more

  • 5. Character Matters

    Contributed on Sep 22, 2020

    Our character matters as we proclaim Christ to a world that needs to hear the message of a loving god that saves. it is our character that will allow us the privilege to enter into a relationship with someone who would normally be closed because they see something different in us than from the world

    Character matters Series Solutions Selected verses Introduction- This morning we will conclude our series on Solutions. I hope that it has been beneficial. How many remember the illustration last week of the business man and the homeless guy in the pizza place. How many can relate to the more