Sermon Series
  • 1. Rekindle The Flame

    Contributed on May 31, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    If you don’t love Jesus as much as when you first met him that is a big problem. It is no small matter when a church loses it’s first love for Christ.

    As Pastor of a prominent Church in Boston, A. J. Gordon stood to address a packed crowd. Before he began to preach one of the deacon’s escorted a stranger in and seated him. There was something about the man that bothered Gordon. His penetrating eyes made it difficult to preach the sermon. When the more

  • 2. The Curse Of Complacency

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2022

    Jesus moves from directing the lukewarm church to the individual. To the lost. Jesus seeks the lost, open your heart. It starts with a commitment. Unless Jesus comes into your heart you are lost.

    Hans Christian Anderson’s fairytale story the Emperors new clothes teaches us a great lesson. In the story swindlers are working with so called invisible cloth sixteen hours a day. They say if you don’t see it you are stupid or unfit for office. The emperor is deceived himself, and wears the more

  • 3. Open Door Of Opportunity

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2022

    When you find that God has opened a door you do not want to miss the blessing of going through it. Once Jesus closes that door there is nobody who can open it.

    Oftentimes life’s great opportunities last only for a moment. You must seize that moment. It is the time to grab the brass ring. Take advantage of the opportunity or it will be gone. I am talking about real life changing opportunities that we have. These are the moments when you sense there is a more

  • 4. Standing For Christ In A Fallen World

    Contributed on Jan 23, 2022

    There is a sense we are all like the Church at Pergamum living where Satan has his throne. We are all in this fallen world where Satan has his throne. You must Stand for Christ in this fallen world.

    Message to the Church in Pergamum, Revelation 2:12-17 Pergamum is the third church of the seven churches in Christ’s messages to the churches that John saw in his revelation while on the Island of Patmos. We find that Jesus Christ walks among the churches. He observes and evaluates the churches. more

  • 5. Dead Church Wake Up!

    Contributed on Jan 23, 2022

    When a church has a good reputation, much activity and past accomplishment it does not guarantee a spiritually alive church.

    George Barna in his book Turnaround Churches, profiles thirty churches that were about to die and made a turnaround. He compares dying churches to the Sears Catalogue. For about 100 years Sears was the symbol of mail order catalogue business. They introduced their mail order catalogue in 1894. For more

  • 6. When The Church Needs Intolerance

    Contributed on Jan 23, 2022

    Many times churches become stagnant because of intolerance. They will not accept those different from themselves. That is why it seems surprising that Jesus himself delivers a message on intolerance.

    Intolerance has a negative connotation. Many times churches become stagnant because of intolerance. They will not accept those different from themselves. That is why it seems surprising that Jesus himself delivers a message on intolerance. But when a church tolerates someone who teaches or more

  • 7. A Call To Be Faithful

    Contributed on Jun 4, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    In your difficulty if you ever start to wonder, does anybody really know what I am going through, be assured Jesus does.

    Maybe right now you are undergoing suffering and hardship. You may recently have had the painful experience of being slandered. It may have come just for the simple reason you are a Christian standing on God’s principles. In your difficulty if you ever start to wonder, does anybody really know more