Sermon Series
  • 1. Beatitudes (Part I)

    Contributed on Oct 5, 2002
    based on 315 ratings

    Being a Christian is more than just holding the title, but also walking the walk and talking the talk. And the Beatitudes are key is helping us understand what is expected. (First four)

    Title: A series on the Beatitudes of Jesus Scripture: Matthew 5:1-12 Introduction: [ILLUS: There he stood, in the midst of the Golden Corral restaurant, with Thousand Island dressing dripping from his hair, over his glasses, down his face, all over his jacket, pants, & shoes. And I’m more

  • 2. Beatitudes (Part Ii)

    Contributed on Oct 5, 2002
    based on 115 ratings

    Part two of the beatitudes describing our relationship with others as instructed in the final four beatitudes by Jesus.

    Title: A series on the Beatitudes of Jesus (Part II) Scripture: Matthew 5:1-12 Introduction: [ILLUS: Helen at the checkout at Walmart.] A man got saved one Sunday night and before he left the service he spoke to the CO about how the other men were going to receive him at the lumber more