Sermon Series
  • 1. 1) A Committed Faith

    Contributed on Mar 6, 2023

    Part I

    1) A Committed Faith, Ruth 1:1-17 Today we start a new sermon series in the book of Ruth. Ruth is only mentioned one other time in the Bible – in Matthew 1:5, she’s listed as an ancestress of Jesus Christ. This is a beautiful love story that unfolds in a very unlikely setting. more

  • 2. 5) The Virtuous Woman

    Contributed on May 1, 2023

    Part V in a series on the book of Ruth

    5) The Virtuous Woman, Ruth 3:9-18 We’re in Ruth chapter 3 where the widow Ruth, at the advice of her mother-in-law Naomi, is approaching her kinsman, Boaz. She is appealing to him to fulfill his role as her nearest kinsman and raise up an heir to her deceased husband. This scene takes more