Sermon Series
  • 1. Experiencing Hardship And Heartbreak

    Contributed on May 16, 2022

    The story of Naomi and Ruth is about how, as the old hymn says, "God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform." As dark and bleak as things looked in Naomi's life, little did she know that God was at work to bring blessings, to her and through her.

    A. How many of you have ever had a bad day? Certainly, all of us have had bad days. Right? 1. Let’s have a little fun by starting with some “You know you’ve having a bad day when…” sayings: a. Your horn sticks on the highway behind 32 Hell’s Angels on their motorcycles. b. Your birthday cake more

  • 2. Experiencing God's Favor

    Contributed on May 23, 2022

    After experiencing hardship and heartbreak in Ruth chapter 1, Naomi and Ruth began to experience God's favor in Ruth chapter 2. Their reaction to God's favor is a good example for us to follow.

    A. I like the story told of the father wanted to read a magazine one day, but was being interrupted numerous times by his little daughter. 1. Finally, he tore a sheet out of the magazine that had a map of the world printed on it. 2. He tore the picture of the world into small pieces and gave it more

  • 3. Making A Decent Proposal

    Contributed on May 30, 2022

    In this sermon on Ruth chapter 3, Naomi encourages Ruth to make a bold and decent proposal to Boaz. From Naomi, Ruth and Boaz we learn the importance of stepping out in faith and doing the right things the right way.

    A. Today, as we return to the story of Ruth, we will witness an unusual marriage proposal, so I thought it would be fun to start with a few funny marriage proposals I found on the internet. 1. This first picture shows the importance of getting things in the right position when making a successful more

  • 4. Trusting God On Life's Journey

    Contributed on Jun 6, 2022

    In this final sermon in the Ruth series, God's favor finally breaks through for Naomi and Ruth. Boaz redeems Ruth and becomes her husband and God blesses them with a son. Through that son, God not only blessed them, but blessed Israel and all humanity. Lesson: trust God on Life's Journey.

    A. Have you ever heard of the saying: “You can’t get there from here?” 1. Apparently the saying began in Maine and was used in response to a person asking for directions to a distant location that cannot be accessed without extensive, complicated directions. 2. I guess it has something to do with more