Sermon Series
  • 1. Someone Worth Losing Everything For

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Losing the crowd versus radical commitment

    “SOMEONE WORTH LOSING EVERTHING FOR” (Radical #1) John 6: 53-66 (p755) Sept. 4, 2011 If Jesus tarries, over the next 9 weeks we’re going to examine what it means to Radically follow Jesus Christ…Our missions committee chairman, Doug Lucas asked if I might mention more

  • 2. Too Hungry For Words

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2012

    Sin, Salvation, our response to the gospel

    TOO HUNGRY FOR WORDS Matt 7: 21-23 (p 686) September 11, 2011 INTRODUCTION: One of the consequences of having three stents put in your heart and being diabetic is your diet is going to change. In fact it’s not a diet. It really does become a life style where you’re trying to more

  • 3. Beginning At The End Of Ourselves

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Trusting our power or God's dependence

    BEGINNING AT THE END OF OURSELVES: (The importance of relying on god’s power) Joshua 6: 2-5 (p154) September 18, 2011 INTRODUCTION: We in America love to glorify the strongest and smartest….The American Dream is somewhat built on becoming the biggest, richest, best in your more

  • 4. The Great Why Of God

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2012

    God's global purpose for us, unity, receivers or reproducers

    The Great Why of God (God’s global Purpose from the beginning till today) Daniel 3: 28-29 (p627) Sept. 25, 2011 INTRODUCTION: I had spoken at the South East Christian Church men’s breakfast a couple of weeks before the package arrived in the more

  • 5. The Multiplying Community

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2012

    God's purpose for us, unity, receivers or producers

    THE MULTYPLYING COMMUNITY (How all of us join together to fulfill god’s Purpose) Oct. 2, 2011 INTRODUCTION: I have to share with you I’m 51 years old…I became a Christian about 3 months before my 18th birthday, but I was raised in the church…I had a Christian more

  • 6. How Much Is Enough?

    Contributed on Apr 17, 2012

    Wealth versus poverty, blind spots, kingdom building

    HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? (American Wealth and a World of Poverty) Luke 16: 19-31 (p 741) Oct. 9, 2011 I’m gonna prefix this sermon with a few important statements…one of them might be the biggest understatement I’ve ever made….”I am not an economic or fiscal more

  • 7. There Is No Plan B

    Contributed on Apr 23, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Salvation, repentance, humility, pride

    THERE IS NO PLAN B “Why going is urgent, not optional” Romans 3: 10-12 (p 797) Oct. 16, 2011 INTRODUCTION: Have you ever heard the statement “Ignorance of the law is no excuse?” or “Ignorance of the law is no more

  • 8. Living When Dying Is Gain

    Contributed on Apr 23, 2012

    Risk and reward of the radical life, sacrifice, death.

    LIVING WHEN DYING IS GAIN (THE RISK AND THE REWARD OF THE RADICAL LIFE) Matt 10:39 (p 688) Oct. 23, 2011 INTRODUCTION: If someone asked you “what does being a follower of Christ mean to you? “ And I suppose I’m asking those individuals who have more

  • 9. One Year To A Life Turned Upside Down

    Contributed on Apr 23, 2012

    THE RADICAL EXPERIMENT Matt 9: 36-38 (p687) October 30, 2011 INTRODUCTION: INTRO,- ILL. - A journalist was assigned to the Jerusalem bureau of his newspaper. He got an apartment overlooking the Wailing Wall. After several weeks he realized th

    THE RADICAL EXPERIMENT Matt 9: 36-38 (p687) October 30, 2011 INTRODUCTION: INTRO,- ILL. - A journalist was assigned to the Jerusalem bureau of his newspaper. He got an apartment overlooking the Wailing Wall. After several weeks he realized that whenever he looked at the wall he saw an more