Sermon Series
  • 1. The Promise Of Rest

    Contributed on May 26, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This message looks at the type of rest that Jesus promises and who it was promised to.

    Pinky Swear, rest Sometimes you hear people talk about how hard they work and how tired they are. But in 2018 in North America, I’m not sure that we have that completely in perspective. And I understand that there are different types of work and different types of tired. I was in a more

  • 2. The Promise Of A Helper

    Contributed on Jun 3, 2018

    Who or what is this Holy Spirit that Jesus promises the apostles just hours before he was arrested? This message looks at the Promise of the Spirit.

    It wouldn’t be long, and he knew it.  For three years he had taught throughout Israel, for three years he had healed the sick and fed the hungry. For three years he pointed people to the Kingdom of God, but the time was coming, it wouldn’t be long now, and he knew it.  The end was in sight, it was more

  • 3. The Promise Of Peace

    Contributed on Jun 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus promised the apostle peace but we don't see that evidenced in their lives until they had they had experienced the Holy Spirit.

    Do you remember praying as a child?  Do you remember the words that you prayed?  Let’s try it together: “Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take.”   In retrospect a little creepy, but still. Actually, the more

  • 4. The Promise Of The Father

    Contributed on Jun 16, 2018

    Not everybody has a positive view of the word "Father" in this message we look at what Jesus meant when he said "Father"

    In an effort to be environmentally aware, this Father’s Day I’ve decided to embrace the ethos of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Most of you know that my Dad passed away a couple of weeks ago, and many of you are aware that I conducted Dad’s funeral and preached at it. As I was working on my more

  • 5. The Promise Of A Return

    Contributed on Jun 23, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This message looks at what we know and don't know about Jesus' promise to return.

    It was March 21st, 1942 standing in the Terowie Train Station in South Australia, following his retreat from the Philippines that General Douglas MacArthur promised the people of the Philippines "I came out of Bataan and I shall return". And he did.  Two and a half years later, after wading more