Sermon Series
  • 1. Walking In Truth And Love

    Contributed on Nov 14, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    In 2 John, the Apostle John addresses a very important question: What should I do about false teaching? To answer that question John deals with two major subjects.

    Walking in truth and love 2 John The concept of NT Postcards is not as far off as it might seem. Four books in the NT and one in the OT have only one chapter. • Philemon • 2 John • 3 John • Jude Originally, these short books served a similar purpose to postcards. The author had a more

  • 2. Jude: A Warning

    Contributed on Dec 14, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    There are people trying to lead you astray, that are themselves headed for judgement. Be careful of them and help others be careful.

    Jude: A warning Jude 1-25 How many of us have had some wild idea in the past that we have since come to regret. I remember as a child becoming enamored with a conspiracy theory, led by a vocal and well spoken leader. When I heard him, he was talking about some conspiracies associated with more

  • 3. A Look At Onesimus

    Contributed on Dec 14, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The book of Philemon is about love, specifically about grace and forgiveness founded in love. God’s love can overcome the past.

    A look at Onesimus Philemon Paul is in prison This is the first time that Paul was imprisoned at Rome (Acts 27 & 28). We believe that he was released from this prison sentence and worked for another four years or so before he was imprisoned in Rome again and executed. The letter is more

  • 4. Showing Hospitality

    Contributed on Jan 3, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    In 14 verses John tells us things that no one else really expounds in the entire Bible. He talks about Christian hospitality. He talks about a man who opens his home lovingly, readily and willingly to see the work of the kingdom of God go forward.

    Showing Hospitality 3 John 1-14 This book is very short. It is the shortest book in the Bible. In 14 verses John tells us things that no one else really expounds in the entire Bible. He talks about Christian hospitality. He talks about a man who opens his home lovingly, readily and willingly more