Sermon Series
  • 1. Matthew 5 - Part 10 - Too Much Salt Is Bad For Your Health!

    Contributed on Dec 30, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    Too much salt is bad for you! Christians are like salt. The world can only take us in small doses. The Bible says it’s not that too much salt is bad for you but that salt mixed with too much dirt loses it’s flavour and is of no use.

    Matthew 5 - Part 10 - Too much salt is bad for your health! I use a saline solution for my contact lenses. It has the same salty consistency as my tears have. Without it I could not clean my lenses and putting them in would be difficult. I’m told that too much salt is bad for you. The Bible more

  • 2. Matthew 5 - Part 11 - Quick, I Think I Need A Lawyer!

    Contributed on Dec 31, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    When it comes to the law, I am not merely an in-law (one whose relationship with God is based on a set of rules and regulations) or an outlaw (one who wants to live outside the law). I need a lawyer!

    Matthew 5 - Part 11 - I think I need a lawyer? I once went to court on behalf of young mother with an intellectual disability. She was a difficult person and the Department of Children’s Services had decided, in their wisdom, to apply the letter of the law and take away her child. It was my task more

  • 3. Matthew 5 - Part 12 - Am I Going To Hell Just For Being Angry?

    Contributed on Jan 1, 2010
    based on 11 ratings

    Jesus is talking to His disciples on the mountain and this is the leadership lesson!- Get mad at someone and curse him and you go to hell! Wooh! How do you feel with this encouraging word so far?

    Matthew 5 - Part 12 - AM I GOING TO HELL JUST FOR BEING ANGRY? I have always wondered about the statement Jesus makes in Matthew 5:21-26. There are some pretty strong statements made like... Murder someone and you’ll go to court but "if you are even angry with someone, you are subject to more

  • 4. Matthew 5 - Part 13 - Am I Going To Hell For Calling Someone A Fool?

    Contributed on Jan 3, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    Does calling your brother a fool make you guilty of hell. Is this what Jesus means? The NASB softens it down by adding the words "guilty ENOUGH TO GO into the fiery hell." but literally it says "whoever says ‘Fool’ will be sent to fiery hell"

    Matthew 5 - Part 13 - AM I GOING TO HELL FOR CALLING SOMEONE A FOOL? I’ve been thinking about "Murder". Not committing murder but the subject of "murder". Jesus uses "murder" as a teaching unit on the mountain for His disciples. But He takes the view that it’s what happens on the inside that more

  • 5. Matthew 5 - Part 14 - What Do You Do When Someone Hates You?

    Contributed on Jan 4, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    Jesus goes beyond the legal matters again. The CASE you have against someone is not as important as the RELATIONSHIP you have with them. Jesus emphasizes that the RELATIONSHIP IS ALWAYS MORE IMPORTANT. Sometimes we don’t want it to be more important.

    Matthew 5 - Part 14 - WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN SOMEONE HATES YOU? I remember years ago that a man wrote a nasty letter to me and included in it a curse and all kinds of false accusations. To this day, I don’t know why he wrote it. It was so vicious and untrue, but he had built up a case against me more

  • 6. Matthew 5 - Part 15 - Sex, Adultery, Lust And Gouging Your Eye Out!

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2010
    based on 20 ratings

    I notice when Jesus confronts me, He goes for the heart. I am amazed at what I am capable of tolerating in my life unless I actively choose to His way to deal with it. I need to be vigilant in this important area concerning my thought life.

    Matthew 5 - Part 15 - SEX, ADULTERY, LUST AND GOUGING YOUR EYE OUT! Too often when Julie and I watch a movie, I am forced to turn it off or over because of the coarse nature of the movie, particularly relating to the sex scenes. It is taken for granted that sex is a necessary part of most more

  • 7. Matthew 5 - Part 16 - God Wants Us To Be Happy, So Why Don't We Get Divorce

    Contributed on Jan 6, 2010
    based on 18 ratings

    In Matthew 5, Jesus is teaching His disciples some leadership principles on the mountain, preparing them for ministry and all of a sudden He comes up with radical new ways of interpreting the topic of DIVORCE. It is so radical that even many Christians to

    Matthew 5 - Part 16 - GOD WANTS US TO BE HAPPY, SO WHY DON'T WE GET DIVORCED? Years ago, Julie and I began to have difficulty in our marriage. I was spending all my time pastoring a small Church and our relationship was being neglected. It suffered to the point where I needed to take time out of more

  • 8. Matthew 5 – Part 17 – What Is So Wrong With Swearing? Everyone Does It!

    Contributed on Jan 7, 2010
    based on 24 ratings

    Why is the F*** word and and the Sh** word used so freely today? Jesus doesn’t directly include this in what He says about oaths in Matthew 5 but it is there by way of application and other passages enlarge on this area of sin, so I am taking a detour.

    Matthew 5 – Part 17 – WHAT IS SO WRONG WITH SWEARING? EVERYONE DOES IT! Why is the F*** word and and the Sh** word used so freely today? Jesus doesn’t directly include this in what He says about oaths in Matthew 5 but it is there by way of application and other passages enlarge on this. Is it a more

  • 9. Matthew 5 – Part 19 – "But The Guy Is A Jerk And Deserves It!”

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2010
    based on 10 ratings

    Most action movies have some aspect of revenge in their storyline. When the bad guy finally gets killed, I agree with the hero as he says, “The guy was a jerk and deserved everything he got!” Am I the only one? Jesus challenges my thinking!

    Matthew 5 – Part 19 – “BUT THE GUY IS A JERK AND DESERVES IT!” Most action movies I have seen have some aspect of revenge in their storyline. And I must admit it, when the bad guy finally gets killed, I am there saying on the inside “The guy was a jerk and deserved everything he got!” Am I the more

  • 10. Matthew 5 – Part 18 – God Told Me To Do It! I Swear!

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    Some people can make God look like He doesn’t know how to make up His mind! One day it is “God wants me to do this.” and the next day it was something totally different. What does Jesus say about all this?

    Matthew 5 – Part 18 – GOD TOLD ME TO DO IT! I SWEAR! Occasionally I meet Christians who say “God is telling me to go and do this or that” and then the next minute God seems to have changed His mind. I remember one guy who made God look like He didn’t know how to make up His mind at all! One day more

  • 11. Matthew 5 - Part 20 - You Think You’re So Perfect!

    Contributed on Jan 10, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    Jesus says "Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48). What is that supposed to mean? Like, that’s impossible, right?

    Matthew 5 - Part 19 - YOU THINK YOU’RE SO PERFECT! Jesus says "Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48). What is that supposed to mean? Like, that’s impossible, right? In fact there are a number of contradictions in this section of the Bible, until more