Sermon Series
  • 1. No Place To Hang Your Hat

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a sermon on the church at Sardis from Revelation Ch. 3:1-6.

    No Place to Hang Your Hat (Masterpiece of Hope Series) Revelation 3:1-6 [Sardis] We cannot rely on what we’ve done; so keep doing Chapel Service of Plainfield Christian Church Rob Hoos Introduction to Revelation Good evening. How are you all doing this evening? Before we get started into more

  • 2. Death's Funeral

    Contributed on Apr 21, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon is about how we do not need to fear death. We can gain hope from Christ because he is eternal, and he has promised that we will be made to overcome death as he has. It still needs a little work, but i am a fan of the main idea of it.

    Death’s Funeral (Masterpiece of Hope Series) Revelation 1:9-28 We can have courage because Christ is Eternal Chapel Service of Plainfield Christian Church Rob Hoos The Finality of Death When I was just around the age of five or six years old I attended my first funeral. They have more

  • 3. The Answer Of Praise

    Contributed on Apr 25, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon is a good message about where we find the answer to our hurt and pain when we turn through the pages of Revelation. Only by seeing the attributes of God can we be comforted in the midst of our pain.

    The Answer of Praise (Masterpiece of Hope Series) Revelation 15:3-4; 11:16-18 We must learn to trust in who God is, and that he is good. Chapel Service of Plainfield Christian Church Rob Hoos Introduction There are some things that we think good Christians just don’t say. It doesn’t matter more

  • 4. The End Of Even Stephen

    Contributed on Apr 30, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon is about how heaven is not God’s great break even, but it will even be better and more unbelievable than the Garden of Eden was.

    The End of Even Stephen (Masterpiece of Hope Series) Revelation 21:1-5 God is not just trying to break even with heaven; He is going to bless us beyond what Eden was like for Adam and Eve. Chapel Service of Plainfield Christian Church Rob Hoos Introduction My grandfather was a very more