Sermon Series
  • 1. Alive All Your Life

    Contributed on Apr 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    What is the abundant life Jesus promised? Not activity, not longevity, not prosperity, not congeniality. It is generosity; giving returns fulfillment.

    I was just making small talk, asking the kind of questions you ask when you have finished commenting about the weather and you are scared to discuss politics or religion. I asked him, “Have you lived here all your life?” Quick as a flash came back his answer, “Not yet. Not yet I haven’t.” Oh, more

  • 2. Alive Beyond This Life

    Contributed on Apr 13, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    God wants to give us life beyond this life, for God is love and live is never diminished. It is not something we attain by knowledge, but by trust. Two sweatshirts are pulled on and off to illustrate two ways of thinking about life beyond this life.

    God is love. So the Bible says, and that is, in a sense, all we need to know. God is love; and just as when you love someone you do not abandon them, so also the love of God, richer far than tongue or pen can ever tell, reaches to the highest height and to the lowest hell, and keeps on going more

  • 3. Alive In This World

    Contributed on Apr 20, 2008

    For Earth Day -- We continue to deplete resources, but there are more to be found. We cannot ignore the mandate to make sure that all have material as well as spiritual needs met. God’s call is to care about all aspects of all people and all the earth.

    The universal symbol of a person taking his ease – the sign on the door, “Gone fishing.” You came to the medical office to get a checkup, but the doctor decided he had done enough for one day; “Gone fishing.” You came to the lawyer’s office to put First Baptist Church of Gaithersburg into your more