Sermon Series
  • 1. Wait For Now

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 21 ratings

    Waiting is much more bearable when we keep our eyes on the end result.

    Wait For Now James 5:7-12 Be patient for the Lord is coming. It is easy to get distracted, because we are an impatient people. Think about food, atm machines, express lanes certainly not the indicators of a patient lifestyle. What about debt? We are a debt burdened more

  • 2. Rich Oppressors

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 34 ratings

    Warnings to those who use wealth in an oppressive manner.

    Rich Oppressors James 5:1-6 Today we are going to look cautions to rich oppressors. Now you may be saying, "but I’m not rich." That’s not a reason to tune out today, because all of us can fall into the category of an oppressor. The chapter begins with a warning to the rich oppressor. more

  • 3. Who Made You Judge

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 26 ratings

    As brothers and sister in the family of God we must be cautious not sit in judgement of one another.

    Who Made You Judge? James 4:11-12 We are the family of God. As the family of God, we must look upon one another as brothers and sisters. Brothers and sisters were never meant to sit in judgement of one another. To begin with let’s talk about what it means to judge. Judging is making a more

  • 4. Just Say It And Pray It

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 24 ratings

    Prayer is a powerful tool when we use it.

    Just Say It and Pray It James 5:13-20 Prayer is a poweful tool in our spiritual arsenal, when we choose to use it. Sometimes we are apt to save our prayers for times of crisis, but as we’ll see today prayer is meant for everday and every situation of your life. Pray in the face of more

  • 5. Do Nothing Faith

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 56 ratings

    What kind of faith do you have?

    Do Nothing Faith James 2:14-26 I. Complete faith A. Intellectual faith 1. an intelligent knowing 2. admits that God is real 3. not an overall commitment/relationship 4. even the demons believe B. Works/Deeds 1. By themselves do not make for faith 2. When driven more

  • 6. Don't Play Favorites

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 20 ratings

    A call to look upon others with the eyes of Christ.

    Don’t Play Favorites James 2:1-13 I. Favortism A. Showing respect or honor based on social status or position B. Warned against repeatedly in scripture II. We are quick to judge by outward appearances A. Clothes B. Jewelry C. Cars D. House III. We give favor based on more

  • 7. Close Your Mouth And Open Your Ears

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 40 ratings

    If you’re always talking you can’t be taught.

    Close Your Mouth and Open Your Ears James 1:19-27 I. Listen up A. Don’t just hear B. Listen and carefully consider II. Slow down A. Don’t speak impulsively 1. Consider words 2. Carefully choose them 3. What would Jesus do? B. Slow to anger 1. Just because you more

  • 8. The Best Laid Plans

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 35 ratings

    The importance of allowing God to direct your day to day plans.

    The Best Laid Plans James 4:13-17 I. There are no guarantees A. We all make plans 1. day timers 2. pocket organizers 3. wall calendars 4. appointments B. The way we make plans should reflect our relationship with God 1. Only He knows the future 2. Only He can more

  • 9. Blessed No Matter What State I'm In

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 17 ratings

    Finding contentment in Jesus, no matter what your circumstances of life might be.

    Blessed No Matter What State I’m In James 1:9-11 I. The Poor Man A. Lacking in a material or social sense 1. money 2. status 3. friends 4. family B. Generally looked down upon by others C. Take pride 1. The ability to look past circumstances 2. See themselves more

  • 10. Watch Your Mouth

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 69 ratings

    The small but mighty tongue.

    Watch Your Mouth James 3:1-12 Freedom of speech...just watch what you say. Today we will be looking at one of the most powerful forces on this earth. Our speech. What we say can have great influence and impact upon our lives and the lives of others. James starts off this chapter with an more

  • 11. Even Trouble Is Welcome

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 24 ratings

    The testing of your faith.

    Even Trouble Is Welcome James 1:1-8 I. When trials & temptations come A. Not “if trials come” 1. Our lives will be permeated with trials 2. The Christian life does not make trials stop B. Trials - adversity 1. sickness 2. persecution 3. tragedy C. more

  • 12. Trials And Temptations - Part 2

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 25 ratings

    A further look at the issue of trials and temptations in the life of a Christian.

    Trials and Temptations - Pt. 2 James 1:12-18 This week we will be returning to the issue of trials and temptations as addressed in James chapter 1. James starts off with a challenge. "Don’t give up." Remember testing is a process and as a process we know that it is ongoing with many more

  • 13. True Wisdom

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 69 ratings

    What makes a peson truly wise?

    True Wisdom James 3:13-18 What makes a person truly wise? How do you know that someone is wise? These are great questions, let’s look to the book of James for some solid answers. The proof of widsom and understanding does not come from your words, instead it is borne out in your actions. more

  • 14. Wait For Now

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 47 ratings

    Sometimes we are directed to wait.

    Wait For Now James 5:7-12 Have I got good news for you!!!! The Lord is coming!!! Now all you need to do is hurry up and wait. Seriously, James tells us to be patient. Sometimes it is easy to get distracted. Just look at our society, we are an impatient people. We eat fast food paid for more

  • 15. Friendship With The World

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2001
    based on 58 ratings

    Man cannot love the world and love God.

    Friendship with the world James 4:1-10 The 4th chapter of James begins with a discussion of fights and quarrels. But too truly get a feel for what we are talking about we need to understand that we are literally talking about wars and battles. The root cause of these conflicts are the more