Sermon Series
  • 1. Hypocrisy

    Contributed on Aug 5, 2022

    If Christians really love Jesus, why is there so much hurt in the church? Jesus confronted the hypocrisy of religious people and desires that his disciples walk in love.

    INTRODUCTION • In our new series, Hot Topics, we will dig into six tough topics that people inside and outside the church often think about (even if we don't ask about them out loud!): • If Christians love Jesus, why is there so much hypocrisy in the church? • How can we trust the Bible? more

  • 2. Can You Trust The Bible?

    Contributed on Aug 12, 2022

    How can we trust the Bible? We can trust that the Bible is God’s Word because of its enduring message. The Bible remains the primary way God teaches, encourages, and guides humanity.

    INTRODUCTION • Today, we will dive into the second message of our Hot Topics series. • The topic we are diving into today is one of the most important topics we will deal with. • The question of the day is, CAN YOU TRUST THE BIBLE? • This is a vital question for us to answer because if we are more

  • 3. Science

    Contributed on Aug 19, 2022

    What is the relationship between faith and science? Faith and science are not opposing disciplines. Throughout history, Christians have often been the greatest proponents of scientific discovery, using their intellect to worship God.

    INTRODUCTION • OPENING VIDEO • • Our Hot Topic for today is science; specifically, are science and faith incompatible? • Can you believe in science and also believe in the Christian faith? • Are the two strictly opposed to one another, one an antiquated more

  • 4. Dealing With Suffering

    Contributed on Sep 9, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Suffering is real; how do we deal with it?

    INTRODUCTION • As we conclude our Hot Topics series, we will examine the issue of suffering, specifically, how to deal with it. • Suffering (and evil) is a part of our life in this world, and none of us are exempt from it. • Evil and suffering can go hand in hand at times; at other times, suffering more