Sermon Series
  • 1. David: Facing Your Giants

    Contributed on May 26, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    From the "Heroes" Series. A Sermon on Courage from 1 Samuel 17.

    There is not a more inspiring hero story than David. Let’s jump right into his story this morning. SCENE ONE: The Israelites Meet Goliath (Vs. 1-11) Keep in mind that this is an ARMY…and what is the purpose of an ARMY? They fight battles…but this is an army that is letting the enemy get an more

  • 2. Rahab: An Unlikely Hero

    Contributed on May 26, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    From the "Heroes" Series. A Sermon on Grace from Hebrews 11:31.

    ILL – You may remember seeing on the news earlier this year about a man named Wesley Autrey, a new York city resident and construction worker, who performed a tremendous act of heroism in the NYC subway. A 19 year old film student suffered a seizure and fell ONTO the subway tracks. Autrey more

  • 3. Moses: The Character Of Leadership

    Contributed on May 26, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    From the "Heroes" Series: A Message on Leadership from Hebrews 11:23-29

    Moses: the Character of Leadership Hebrews 11:23-29. This morning in our study of Hebrews chapter 11 we look at the life of Moses. Moses was a leader and his epitaph is recorded in the last three verses of Deuteronomy: Deuteronomy 34:10-12 - Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel more

  • 4. Abraham: What Is Your Faith Made Of?

    Contributed on May 26, 2007

    From the "Heroes" Series: A message on the testing of Our Faith based on the life of Abraham - Hebrews 11:11-19; Genesis 15:1-6; Genesis 22.

    WE finished last week, talking about the Life of Abraham with a PROMISE. God had promised Abraham that from His own flesh and blood, He would build for himself a great nation of people…and would give to them the land of Canaan that He had led Abraham to. There was one little problem. more

  • 5. Abraham: When God Says Go

    Contributed on May 26, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    From the "Heroes" Series: A message on faith and obedience based on the life of Abraham - Hebrews 11:8-10; Genesis 12:1-8

    We learned last week from Hebrews 11:1 that "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Last Sunday we talked about how difficult a life of faith can be because we continually try to take back control of our life. When we talk about Faith…the question we are more

  • 6. Noah: When The Whole World's Against You

    Contributed on May 26, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    From the "Heroes" Series: A message on faith and obedience based on the life of Noah - Hebrews 11:1-7; Genesis 6:8-9

    This morning we begin a new series called "Heroes” This series is based on the 11th chapter of Hebrews and over the next few weeks we will examine the lives and the FAITH of people just like you and me, who followed God in faith and through their obedience, God changed the world. Let’s jump more

  • 7. Heroes: What Are You Standing For

    Contributed on Jun 24, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    A Sermon for Memorial Day. From the Heroe’s Series.

    I can’t think of a better day to talk about Heroes…than on Memorial Day. The US Military announced just yesterday, another 8 American casualties in Iraq…one of those was a 20 year old Marine from Spartanburg. I don’t care how you feel about the war, you cannot deny the bravery of those who go more

  • 8. Heroes: What Makes A Hero?

    Contributed on Jun 24, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Conclusion of the "Heroes" Series. From Hebrews 12:1-3

    Over the past few weeks, we’ve looked at story after story of the heroes of faith in Hebrews chapter 11. Noah…When the Whole World’s against you; Abraham…When God says Go; Moses…a great leader; Rahab…an unlikely hero; David…facing your giants. Great stories…I think one of the downfalls of the more