Sermon Series
  • 1. Grace We Don't Understand: The Strangeness Of Grace

    Contributed on Apr 22, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    God’s grace is difficult to understand because it runs contrary to human nature.

    Grace We Don’t Understand: The Strangeness of Grace Wildwind Community Church David Flowers 3/13/05 As you know we are moving into Easter. I wanted to “bring things down” a little bit – get away from that heavy prayer stuff (as good and important as it is) and get into something that will more

  • 2. Grace We Struggle To Accept: The Embrace Of Grace

    Contributed on Apr 27, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Grace is not only hard to understand, it is difficult to accept. While every human being has a deep need for acceptance, security, and significance, we tend to seek the meeting of those needs in other human beings, who can never really meet those needs.

    Grace We Struggle to Accept: The Embrace of Grace Grace, prt. 2 Wildwind Community Church David K. Flowers 3/20/05 I want to start today’s message on an uncharacteristically heavy note. I have a few questions for you, and they’re the kind of questions that may not be easy for you to more

  • 3. Grace We Don't Deserve: The Face Of Grace

    Contributed on Apr 29, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    Grace, by definition, is something we do not deserve. This Easter message focuses on four things we can see in the face of Jesus that demonstrate God’s grace.

    Grace We Don’t Deserve: The Face of Grace “Grace,” part 3 of 3 Easter Sunday – March 27, 2005 Wildwind Community Church David Flowers I have to start out this morning by saying I know the title of this message is redundant. By definition, grace is unmerited favor – favor that we do not more