Sermon Series
  • 1. Looking Forward

    Contributed on Nov 26, 2003
    based on 31 ratings

    This is the 1st sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross".

    Series: From The Cradle To The Cross [#1] LOOKING FORWARD John 1:1-14 Introduction: 1. What do you “look forward” to? 2. Most of the time we “look forward” to only the good things. 3. As we approach Christmas, I want us to see what Jesus had to look forward to. John 1:1-5 The more

  • 2. Christmas Means

    Contributed on Dec 15, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    This is the 2nd sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross". This is also a Christmas sermon.

    Series: From The Cradle To The Cross [#2] CHRISTMAS MEANS…? Luke 2:1-20; Matthew 2:1-12 Introduction: 1. Anticipation of the birth of Jesus by Joseph and Mary. 2. Our celebration of Christmas. 3. Different reactions to the birth of Christ, then and now. It’s all about… The Profit Luke more

  • 3. Be Real

    Contributed on Dec 15, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    This is the 3rd sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross". This is also a New Year’s sermon.

    Series: From The Cradle To The Cross [#3] BE REAL Luke 2:22-38 Introduction: 1. New Year’s resolutions. 2. What does God want and need from us? Be real! Luke 2:22-24 3. Jesus was atleast 40 days old when He was brought to the Temple to be dedicated to God. 4. Simeon and Anna are examples more

  • 4. Exhausted

    Contributed on Dec 27, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    This is the 4th sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross".

    Series: From The Cradle To The Cross [#4] EXHAUSTED Matthew 2:13-23 Introduction: 1. When it rains it pours. 2. Joseph had traveled to Bethlehem where there was no room in the inn. 3. Now they had to flee to Egypt. 4. When it seemed like it couldn’t get worse it did. 5. God is still more

  • 5. Jesus, A Youth

    Contributed on Jan 7, 2004
    based on 48 ratings

    This is the 5th sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross". This sermon was used on "Youth Sunday".

    Series: From The Cradle To The Cross [#5] JESUS, A YOUTH? Luke 2:41-52 Introduction: 1. Can you imagine, Jesus was a youth but never sinned? 2. Teenage years can be difficult on the child and the family. 3. From the text I will give 2 charges this morning. Luke 2:41-52 A Charge To The more

  • 6. One Baptism

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    This is the 6th sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross".

    Series: From The Cradle To The Cross [#6] ONE BAPTISM Matthew 3 Introduction: 1. The subject of baptism is controversial. 2. Today we will look at 2 types of baptism- Water and Holy Spirit. 3. We will also look at some different beliefs concerning these and put them to the test of more

  • 7. When Satan Goes Fishing

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    This is the 7th sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross".

    Series: ¡§From The Cradle To The Cross¡¨[#7] WHEN SATAN GOES FISHING Luke 4:1-13 Introduction: 1. Jesus Christ calls us to be fishers of men, but Satan is also a fisher of men. All of us, including Jesus Christ have been tempted. 2. As a fisherman, I have learned several things concerning more

  • 8. When Jesus Goes Fishing

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2004
    based on 23 ratings

    This is the 8th sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross".

    Series: ¡§From The Cradle To The Cross¡¨ [#8] WHEN JESUS GOES FISHING Mark 1:16-20 Introduction: 1. As a fisherman, I have learned several things concerning fishing. ƒà Fish where there are fish and know the conditions of the place. ƒà Find out what the fish are biting. ƒà Be more

  • 9. Christian Personality Types

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    This is the 9th sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross".

    Series: “From The Cradle To The Cross” [#9] CHRISTIAN PERSONALITY TYPES John 2:1-3:21 Introduction: 1. 3 types of Christians. 2. Lost people are affected by each group. 3. Which one fits you? Type 1: What I Think… John 2:1-11 1. Closed mindedness. 2. Focus on what doesn’t more

  • 10. Strike Three

    Contributed on May 24, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    This is the 10th sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross".

    Series: “From The Cradle To The Cross” [#10] STRIKE THREE John 4:4-26 Introduction: 1. In baseball it is three strikes and you are out. 2. Many people in our world today have experienced 3 strikes. How many strikes does God allow us before we are out? 3. Look with me at a woman who had 3 more

  • 11. Lost In The Cracks

    Contributed on May 24, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    This is the 11th sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross".

    Series: “From The Cradle To The Cross” [#11] LOST IN THE CRACKS? John 6:5-9 Introduction: John 6:5-9 1. Philip=Realistic 2. Andrew=Rational 3. We often focus on Philip and Andrew’s disbelief; but squeezed in one verse is a picture of a faithful servant of God. Not Acknowledged 1. What was more

  • 12. Distracted

    Contributed on May 24, 2004
    based on 21 ratings

    This is the 12th sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross".

    Series: ¡§From The Cradle To The Cross¡¨ [#12] DISTRACTED? Matthew 14:22-34 Introduction: „© {Stand at back.} „© {Have everyone get up and move one pew up or back.} „© {Begin reading Psalm 23 and have Chris call on cell phone. Stop and talk to him.} Matthew 14:22-34 Distracted By The more

  • 13. When Jesus Says

    Contributed on May 24, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    This is the 13th sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross".

    Series: “From The Cradle To The Cross” [#13] WHEN JESUS SAYS… Matthew 26:36-56 Introduction: 1. In Christ’s last hours, He went into the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. Christ was not looking forward to the cross; but He was going to be obedient to the Father. 2. Jesus had taken Peter, James, more

  • 14. Questions And More Questions

    Contributed on May 24, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    This is the 14th sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross".

    Series: “From The Cradle To The Cross” [#14] QUESTIONS AND MORE QUESTIONS Matthew 27:22 Introduction: 1. When Jesus was arrested, the disciples scattered. 2. Those who arrested Jesus took Him to Annas, the father-in-law of Caiphas the High Priest, and Annas sent Him to Caiphas. Caiphas sent more

  • 15. The Ultimate Sacrifice

    Contributed on May 24, 2004
    based on 21 ratings

    This is the 15th sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross".

    Series: ¡§From The Cradle To The Cross¡¨ [#15] THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE Exodus 12:1-30 Choir: ¡§He Reigns Forever¡¨ Announcements Welcome [Song: __________________________________________] Take Offering [Song: ¡§The Old Rugged Cross¡¨] Prayer Of Thanksgiving Scripture Reading: Romans more

  • 16. And Now, The Rest Of The Story

    Contributed on May 24, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    This is the 16th sermon in the series "From The Cradle To The Cross". This is also an Easter Sermon.

    Series: “From The Cradle To The Cross” [#16] AND NOW, THE REST OF THE STORY Ephesians 4:1-13 Introduction: Ephesians 4:1-13 1. Typical Easter sermon- Jesus died on Friday and arose from the dead on Sunday. 2. What happened during those three days? 3. And now, the rest of the story. The more