Sermon Series
  • 1. Experiencing His Passionate Love

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2004
    based on 66 ratings

    This sermon describes the horror of the cross and asks the question: why would God do that?

    OPEN: I once heard a man tell of WHY he entered the ministry. He said he entered the ministry because he was afraid of God. Now granted, Scripture tells us we should fear God. Proverbs 9:10 tells us "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is more

  • 2. Experiencing His Passionate Forgiveness

    Contributed on Apr 12, 2004
    based on 67 ratings

    Do I REALLY need Jesus’ sacrifice? Why can’t I just go to God as I am?

    OPEN: In a speech Mark Twain gave before the Society of American Authors in 1900, he said: “I am constructed like everybody else and enjoy a compliment as well as any other fool, but I do… have… another side. I have a WICKED side. Estimable friends who know all about it would tell you and take a more

  • 3. By His Wounds - Experiencing His Compassionate Wholeness

    Contributed on Apr 19, 2004
    based on 66 ratings

    Isaiah tells us that it is by "His wounds that you are healed." But what healing would His wounds give?

    OPEN: This week, on Thursday the 22nd, the Red Cross will be having a blood drive at the Knights of Columbus Hall over on 17th??? Several years ago, the Red Cross in small Oklahoma town posted signs all over town with these words: I gave my blood - Christ gave his. I gave a pint - He gave more

  • 4. The Knowledge That Saves

    Contributed on Apr 27, 2004
    based on 66 ratings

    Isaiah tells us that "by His knowledge... he will justify many." What kind of knowledge is this and what can it mean to us. Powerful application.

    OPEN: It was a retirement dinner and the speaker stood up and began to make remarks about the man they were honoring that night. He opened with these words: "Tonight we honor a man who doesn’t know the meaning of the word dissemble, who doesn’t know the meaning of the word fear, who doesn’t more