Sermon Series
  • 1. Our Triune God

    Contributed on Aug 21, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    What does the Bible say about the existence and nature of God? Is it alright to speculate what God is like or is that idolatry? Join Pastor Steve as he teaches on "The Doctrine of God."

    “On January 7, 1855, the minister of New Park Street Chapel, Southwark, England, opened his morning sermon as follows: ‘It has been said by someone that “the proper study of mankind is man.” I will not oppose the idea, but I believe it is equally true that the proper study of God’s elect is God; more

  • 2. Our Faithful, Unchanging God

    Contributed on Aug 29, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    What is God like? Does He ever change? If He does, how does that effect His people? In this message, Pastor Steve examines the immutability of God and shows how this affects every aspect of our life.

    In our last study together on the doctrine of God, we looked at the existence and nature of God. In the existence of God we said that it is assumed in the Scriptures. William Evans, in his book Great Doctrines of the Bible, says, “It does not seem to have occurred to any of the writers of either more