Sermon Series
  • 1. David's Lament Over Saul

    Contributed on Oct 20, 2003
    based on 88 ratings

    David is a King after God’s own heart, because he looks to God for success in all he does. David’s success will come from his devotion to and his reliance on the Lord, shown so clearly in his response to the death of Saul.

    We return today to the story of Saul and David. If you remember, Saul was anointed King of Israel by popular acclaim, though at God’s direction. He was a man of stature, taller than all his peers, an apt warrior king. Just the sort of man Israel needed to oppose the Philistines. Except that he was more

  • 2. David Is Made King

    Contributed on Oct 20, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    David becomes King by God’s plan but as a result of a series of events which are sometimes ungodly in nature. God is able to use ungoldy actions by sinful men and women to bring about his good purposes in history.

    I think it’s easy to have a romantic view of the history of David as King of Israel. It’s such a great story isn’t it? The good looking shepherd boy who becomes king. The youngest son who is chosen and anointed by God to lead his people. The young lad who defeats the battle seasoned giant Goliath. more

  • 3. The Ark Is Brought To Jerusalem

    Contributed on Nov 17, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    What do you think of God? Is your idea of God big enough to take in the things we discover about him in his word? Are you prepared to worship a God who can do what he likes with his creation even if you can’t understand why he does them; even if you somet

    What do you think of God? What do you really think of God? What sort of God do you worship? They’re the sorts of questions that face us today as we think about the reaction of 2 of the characters in this story of David and the Ark of the Covenant. David is settled in Jerusalem. It’s become the more

  • 4. David Takes Jerusalem As His Capital

    Contributed on Nov 17, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    David is first of all the Shepherd King. That is, he rules with humble loving-kindness, reflecting the love and grace of God, trusting him to bring the victories he needs. But secondly he’s, at the same time, a warrior king, using all the military prowess

    Saul’s son Ish-Bosheth is dead. David is now free to assume the kingship of all of the combined nation of Israel and Judah. The reason this has come about is that two of Ish-Bosheth’s own men have assassinated their king. You’ll find the story of this murder in 2 Sam 4, where David once again more

  • 5. A House For The Lord Or The Lord's House?

    Contributed on Nov 17, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    God will build David a house. God is building us into his Royal household. But just as Solomon’s temple was built through the labours of many, so too, God uses us to build his church. Both are true at the same time. God builds, we labour and the Church gr

    Today being our AGM, I want us to think about what it is that we’re doing here as a church. Who do we see ourselves as? What do we think our job is as the people of God? What part does God play in what we’re doing and what part do we play. And we’re going to begin by looking at 2 Sam 7. As ch7 more

  • 6. Israel At Peace

    Contributed on Nov 30, 2003
    based on 16 ratings

    This part of 2 Samuel is really about God as the king, giving David the human king what he promised. It shows us David trusting God’s kingship, caring for Mephibosheth, not seeing him as a threat to what God gave him.

    By Guerin Tueno, ministry student at St Theos. My parents often remind me that when I was growing up I loved to do jigsaws. To fit the pieces together. To make a picture emerge. The stories of the Old Testament are bit like a jigsaw. There are some very important pieces – like God’s promise to more

  • 7. David & Bathsheba

    Contributed on Nov 30, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    Here we discover, once again, the two central elements in the way God deals with his people. Here we find God’s justice and mercy going hand in hand as he deals with a failed leader.

    Someone asked me the other day, "Why do we have to have all these stories from the Old Testament. They’re so gruesome!" Well, the reason we have to hear these stories is because they’ve been put here to tell us about God. You see, these aren’t just stories about David, or Saul, or Samuel. They’re more

  • 8. Trouble In The King's Household

    Contributed on Feb 3, 2004
    based on 40 ratings

    As great a king as David was, he was still a human king with all the flaws of any human being. It would take the coming of Jesus before we had a king who truly reflected God’s heart in all he did; whose leadership would fully reflect God’s character.

    What we’re looking at today is not pretty. Incest, rape, murder, political intrigue leading to a coup d’état, David running for his life. And again we wonder what to make of it all. Why is it in here? Well, there are a couple of reasons it’s in here. One is to show how quickly God’s judgement on more