Sermon Series
  • 1. Rejoice Always

    Contributed on Jan 12, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    The Apostle Paul writes a letter to the Philippian while under house arrest chained to two Romans guards around the clock. He may also be executed for his faith in Jesus as the Christ. Yet, through it all, Paul is able to rejoice.

    A. Philippians 4:4-8 (READ) 1. Today we begin a series of lessons corresponding with our Small Group Study entitled: “ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING” based on the book by Max Lucado, who based his book on this passage. 2. This is a timely SUBJECT, because ANXIETY has greatly increased over the more

  • 2. Contagious Calm

    Contributed on Jan 12, 2023

    Max Lucado writes, “Contagious calm in the midst of high anxiety can eternally change lives and the course of events.”

    A. Philippians 4:5 (READ) 1. How many DISASTERS have been AVERTED because one person REFUSED to buckle under the STRAIN and remained CALM? a. How many MARRIAGES were SAVED? b. How many FRIENDSHIPS remained INTACT? c. How many CHURCH DIVISIONS were AVOIDED? 2. It’s this kind more

  • 3. Prayer, Not Despair

    Contributed on Jan 12, 2023

    Every time you feel yourself being anxious about your job, your children, your spouse, the bills, the church . . . stop where you are and spend a few minutes fervently praying to God about it. I promise that by the end of that prayer you will feel an amazing peace.

    A. Philippians 4:6 (READ) 1. How many of you believe that PRAYER can change OUTCOMES and CIRCUMSTANCES? ILLUSTRATION: One Sunday morning as the Youth Pastor made his way to his 5th grade Sunday School Class, he walked in to find one of his students sitting alone in the back of the classroom more

  • 4. Perfect Peace

    Contributed on Jan 12, 2023

    Paul writes of a "peace that surpasses all understanding". This peace is not a feeling or a state of mind, but it is knowing WHO is in control when life seems out-of-control.

    A. Philippians 4:7 (READ) 1. How many of you saw the movie “The Perfect Storm”? ILLUSTRATION: It was a GOOD MOVIE—ROTTEN ENDING. It’s a TRUE STORY, and sometimes TRUE LIFE doesn’t END the way we like. It starred George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg. For those of you who may have missed it, more

  • 5. Think About Such Things

    Contributed on Jan 12, 2023

    Although life is full of trouble, Paul urges his readers to focus on the positive not the negative.

    A. Philippians 4:8 (READ) 1. Throughout this study, Paul has been showing us how to deal with the ANXIETY that creeps into our lives and begin to STRANGLE us and WEIGH us DOWN. a. Jesus warns us in Luke 21:34 to “Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with . . . the more