Sermon Series
  • 1. The Nature Of Angels No. 1

    Contributed on May 23, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This is an in-depth, Biblical study of angels, demons and satan. Profitable for every Christian; essential for every minister!

    ANGELOLOGY #1 The Doctrine of Angels The Nature of Angels #1 Dr. Russell K. Tardo This message is the first in a series of studies of angels, demons and Satan. It will be an interesting and very profitable study, and an important subject on which to concentrate. Much more

  • 2. The Doctrine Of Angels #2

    Contributed on May 23, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    An essential study for all who preach the Word of God. It is vitally important to have a Biblical understanding of the unseen world around us

    ANGELOLOGY The Doctrine of Angels #2 The Nature of Angels #2 Dr. Russell K. Tardo This study of the Doctrine of Angels, will cover not only the holy angels, but also unholy angels, i.e., the demons and the devil, all spiritual beings. There exists a spiritual world, the spiritual more

  • 3. The Doctrine Of Angels #3

    Contributed on May 23, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This study covers the Ministry of God’s Holy Angels, as depicted in the Bible. What do angels actually do? Vital studies for all Ministers!

    ANGELOLOGY The Doctrine of Angels #3 The Ministry of Angels Dr. Russell K. Tardo In this series the nature of angels has been examined. To review, the angels are created beings, spiritual beings, personal beings, super-human in strength and intelligence. Angels are an more

  • 4. The Doctrine Of Angels #4

    Contributed on May 25, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This message considers the appearance of demon spirits in the Old Testament. Demons don’t just suddenly appear out of thin air in the Gospels, but are seen in the Older Testament as well

    ANGELOLOGY The Doctrine of Angels #4 Demons in the Old Testament Dr. Russell K. Tardo This study will begin with clarification of certain items within The Doctrine of Angels, under the sub-heading The Ministry of Angels. As discussed in previous sessions, the scriptures reveal the more