Sermon Series
  • 1. The Cost And Consequences Of Disobedience

    Contributed on Dec 29, 2004
    based on 90 ratings

    The main points of the message are: 1. God Loves You Too Much to Let Remain In Disobedience. 2. A Believer’s Disobedience Always Involves Others. 3. Disobedience Leaves Us Powerless Before the Storms. 4. You Can Not Live A Disobedient Life and It Not Sho

    A Study of Book of Jonah Sermon # 2 “The Cost and Consequences of Disobedience?” Jonah 1:4-16 You will remember that last week we dealt with Jonah’s decision not to do as God had asked. He decided not to go to Nineveh but more

  • 2. Praying When Prayer Is All That Is Left

    Contributed on Dec 29, 2004
    based on 66 ratings

    The main points of the message are (1)Sometimes A Crisis Experience Is Exactly What We Need To Get Us To Pray (2) God can hear our Prayers from anywhere (3) There Is A Cost To Disobedience In the Life Of A Believer

    A Study of Book of Jonah Sermon # 3 “Praying When Prayer Is All That Is Left!” Jonah 1:17-2:1-10 You may or may not remember our last lesson on Jonah in chapter 1 verse 4-16 which dealt with the “Cost and Consequences of more

  • 3. The God Of The Second Chance

    Contributed on Dec 29, 2004
    based on 86 ratings

    Three Things Jonah found out about God… 1. Jonah Found out God Gives Second 2. Jonah Found Out God Still Had A Plan For His Life 3. Jonah Found Out How Much God Can Do With One Person.

    A Study of Book of Jonah Sermon # 4 “The God of the Second Chance” Jonah 3:1-4 The last time we were with Jonah he was deep in prayer deep in the fish’s belly. In that prayer he finally got things right with God. It is more

  • 4. The World's Greatest Revival

    Contributed on Dec 29, 2004
    based on 46 ratings

    Four Steps on the Road to Revival (1) A Faithful preaching and faithful hearing of God’s word (2) Belief in God (3) Action upon that Belief (4)Turning from known sin.

    A Study of Book of Jonah Sermon # 5 The World’s Greatest Revival Jonah 3:3-10 We would agree with great American patriot who wrote. “We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven. We have been preserved, more