Sermon Series
  • 1. Disciples With Discipline

    Contributed on Apr 9, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Self-denial and spiritual discipline are not popular topics in today’s culture. But a Christianity without a cross is not Christianity at all. This sermon launches a fifty day focus on spiritual disciplines.

    Disciples with Discipline (Fifty Days of Consecration #1) 1 Corinthians 9:24-27[1] 3-20-05 Introduction This morning we want to prepare for the Fifty Days of Consecration that begins next Sunday. The fifty days begins on Easter (March 27th) and will conclude on the Day of Pentecost (May more

  • 2. Worship In Remembrance

    Contributed on Apr 9, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    What we choose to remember can powerfully affect our attitudes in the now. Sermon discusses how we can use our memory capacity to facilitate heart-felt worship.

    Worship in Remembrance (Fifty Days of Consecration #2) Psalm 103:1-18[1] 3-27-05 Intro Your capacity for memory—have you thought about how powerful that gift is—the ability to recall previous experience. It is the way we learn. It keeps us from having to learn the same things over and more

  • 3. How To Establish A Consistent Prayer Life

    Contributed on Apr 9, 2006
    based on 57 ratings

    Before we will give ourselves to prayer we must conclude that it is genuinely worth the investment. We also generally do what we plan do do. Is prayer in your schedule?

    How to Establish a Consistent Prayer Life (Fifty Days of Consecration #3)[1] Luke 11:9-13[2] 4-03-05 Intro[3] I want to introduce the sermon this morning with a brief clip from the movie, The Passion. Jesus is in Gethsemane knowing that the hour of his suffering is rapidly approaching. more

  • 4. Biblical Meditation

    Contributed on Apr 9, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    How well do you get along with yourself? How much truth do I want? These questions are relevant to our ability to meditate. Practical suggestions for how to mediatate. Biblical meditation is distinguished from Eastern meditation that has been popularized

    Biblical Meditation (Fifty Days of Consecration #5) Psalm 1:1-3[1] 4-17-05 Intro How well do you get along with yourself? It may seem strange but that is a fundamental question that has to be addressed when we talk about meditation. Before I can effectively get into meditation I have to more

  • 5. A Pivotal Question About Fasting

    Contributed on Apr 9, 2006
    based on 41 ratings

    Fasting that pleases God is examined and the blessings considered.

    A Pivotal Question About Fasting (Fifty Days of Consecration #6) Isaiah 58[1] 4-24-05 I. Our text this morning in Isaiah 58 pivots on a question raised by God’s people. It is perhaps a question that has crossed your mind at one time or another. We’ll talk about the question in a more

  • 6. Purpose And Value Of Bible Study

    Contributed on Apr 9, 2006
    based on 28 ratings

    Our lives should involve a diligent search for truth and wisdom. Why Bible study must accompany Bible reading and prayer and how how Bible Study provides FRAMEWORK for all the other disciplines.

    Purpose and Value of Bible Study (Fifty Days of Consecration #7) 1 Timothy 4:1-16[1] 5-1-05 Intro I want to begin this morning by sharing with you some results from a Bible knowledge test published by the Vancouver Sun. Here are some of the answers given by people who said they knew more

  • 7. Getting That Second Wind

    Contributed on Apr 9, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    How to deal with weariness and discouragement-using Elijah as an example the process of renewal is discussed.

    Getting that Second Wind (Fifty Days of Consecration #8) 1 Kings 19:1-18[1] 05-08-05 How many of you know what it means for a runner to get his second wind? I’m not enough of a runner to know much about the experience first hand. But I’m told that there comes a point when the runner feels more