Sermon Illustrations


God could have come to the earth and assumed immediately the role of King of the World, and who could have resisted Him? He could have come with great pomp and ceremony. He could have entered the world a Man full-grown with rings on every finger, wrapped in robes spun in the halls of Heaven, wearing on His head a crown so brilliant in its golden purity and its many-encrusted jewels that it would have blinded any who dared look upon it. With a breath He could have deposed the ruler of this world like the slithering Archelaus, exiling him to an early end. With a word He could have spoken sinful mankind to the pit and begun a new race of men, pure and noble and good and without spot to reign over as new Monarch of His new world. Yet He could not. Why, you may ask? Because He cannot deny Himself. He cannot be other than who and what He is. He cannot violate either His justice or His mercy, and as the Sovereign of eternity He faithfully exercises both perfectly and without prejudice. Therefore sin must be atoned and for His elect Heaven gained. And to this great end He ‘emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men, and being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross’ Phil 2:7-8

- c.e.t. "Nazarene"

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