Sermon Illustrations

According the, the median average household income for the world is slightly under $3,000. That means if your family has an income of more than $3,000 per year, you are richer than half the people in the world! The average annual income in Burundi is $220. In Afghanistan, it is $390. That’s the total family income for an entire year!

In some regions, people live in cardboard box shacks and make shoes from 2 liter coke bottles. What about meals in the third world? According to, “Grain is usually baked into bread and boiled into a porridge-like gruel. Most meals consist of porridge made out of corn, cassava or millet, or a stew made with potatoes. Rice and beans are too expensive for many people to afford and a pizza costs more than many people make in a week.”

The good news is that poverty is declining! “There are more than a billion fewer people living below the International Poverty Line of $2.15 per day today than in 1990. On average, the number declined by 47 million every year, or 130,000 people each day. The scale of global poverty today, however, remains vast” [].

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