Sermon Illustrations





A Student asked the question, Where does God come from?

The following is the answer given by Pastor Kent Hovind


Your question, where does God come from assumes that you are thinking, obviously displays, that you are thinking of the wrong god.

Because the God of the Bible is not affected by time, space or matter.

If He is affected by time, space or matter, He is not God.

Time, space and matter, what we call a continuum, would have to come into existence at the same instance.

Because if you had matter and no space, where would you put it?

If there was matter and space but no time, when would you put it?

You cannot have time, space or matter independently, they have to come into existence simultaneously.

The Bible answers that in 10 words: In the beginning, (there's time), God created the heavens (there's space), and the earth (there's matter).

So you have time, space, matter, the trinity of trinities: Time - has past, present, future. Space - has breadth, length , height. Matter has solid, liquid, gas.

We have a trinity of trinities created instantaneously, and the God who created them has to be outside of them.

If He is limited by time, He is not God.

The “god” who created this computer is not in the computer. He is not running around changing the numbers on the screen.

The God who created this universe is outside the universe. He is above it, beyond it, in it, He is not affected by it.

So [if you have] the concept that a spiritual force cannot have an effect on a material body, then you have to explain to me why there are emotions, and love, and hatred, and envy, and jealousy and rationality - I mean, if your brain is a collection of chemicals formed by chance over billions of years, how on earth can you trust your own reasoning process and the thoughts that you think?

Your question, where does God come from, is assuming a limited God. And that is your problem.

The God that I worship is not limited by time, space or matter.

If I could fit the infinite God into my 3-pound brain, He would not be worthy worshiping, that is for certain.

So, that is my explanation of the God I worship. And that is the God of the Bible.

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